Welcome to Take the Stars. We are a prehistoric creature roleplay, not exclusive to dinosaurs. The setting is the land of Cretassia. The creatures we allow in roleplay are from the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous time periods, the time of the dinosaurs.
Out of Character
01. Be kind and respectful to all members and guests. Be mature.
02. This is a literate site, that means we require proper grammar both in character and out. No chatspeak. We'll eat you for that.
03. Only one account is allowed per person, this is not an account per character site. If for some reason you want a new account for a reason other than account per character intentions, contact a staff member.
04. According to proboard's terms of service, everyone must be over the age of thirteen to join. The terms of service also require content to be kept at a PG-13 rating.
01. Keep signatures under 500px in width. Don't stretch the board. Keep height within reason.
02. Avatars should be 100px by 300px. We have a resizer, but don't rely on it.
03. Credit must be given for photos and works that are not your own. There will be absolutely no stolen content on this site.
In Character
01. In general, the site is semi-realistic. We allow creative ranks in groups and are pretty loose on what can't be done. However, we do not allow any sort of magic or supernatural abilities. Keep appearances logical, creatures are meant to blend in to their surroundings, not stand out.
02. Don't make your character a mary sue or gary stu. Balance out their strengths and weaknesses, and make them unique. Otherwise, it's just no fun.
03. Godmodding, powerplay, and auto-hits are not allowed. Don't do it.
04. If a fight breaks outs, the roleplayers are allowed to chose the winner themselves. However, if they'd rather not, a staff member will judge the winner of the roleplay based on the merit of the posts in the thread.
05. Liquid time is allowed. There is no thread limit, we assume you know what you can handle.
06. Rape is allowed, however, successful pregnancy is not guaranteed.
01. To create a group you must have three characters played by three different roleplayers.
02. The group must have a formation thread. The board that this thread takes place on is then the group's territory. This must happen on an open, unclaimed territory.
03. After the formation thread is made, the leader of the group must fill out the new group form located in the group board. Staff will then approve or decline the application.
04. To join a group, you must apply out of character, and if accepted, you then have to join manually in character via roleplay thread.